Michael Lee Bourland’s Personal Mission Statement

I do what is right.

I don’t do what is wrong.

My most basic values are those of honesty,

fairness and trustworthiness.

I believe in forgiving the mistakes of others

while quickly admitting my own.

As a Husband, I know that Cindy is the most important

other person in my life. It is important to me that

I give her my constant support and love.

As a Son and a Brother, I am loving and unselfish.

Mom, Dad and Greg were my first family and their happiness

and success is very important to me. It is important

to me to nurture my relationship with them.

I am a good Friend. It is important for me to be “there”

for my friends when they need me to be.

As a Professional, I am productive and disciplined.

I focus on becoming successful and achieving my goals.

It gives me great pleasure to help others become successful.

I value the strength of my intellect as well as my body.

I exercise both regularly.

I am efficient in my use of time without

subordinating people to schedules. I know that people

and relationships are more important than

keeping to a timetable.

I concentrate all my abilities and efforts on the

task at hand. I am results-oriented.

I defend those who are absent.

It is important to me to be financially successful.

I am centered in my principles.

I have the will and the integrity to subordinate my feelings,

my impulses and my moods to those principles.

This Mission Statement is my constitution,

my changeless core, the solid expression of my

vision and values. It is the criterion by which

I measure everything else in my life.